
Our fingerprinting products are used to take fingerprints at a crime scene, in a business setting, or for legal purposes. We offer numerous fingerprinting options including pads, ink, fingerprinting stations, and fingerprinting kits.

  • Palm Print Inking Pad START-UP Kit with Towelettes

    Palm Print Inking Pad START-UP Kit with Towelettes


    Our series of START-UP Kits offers a quick way to get started with your Fingerprinting or Palm Printing Station. Simply decide which cleaner you prefer and choose the kit that matches your inking method (inking pads or slabs). The Fingerprintin…

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  • Semi-Inkless Pad Elimination Print Kit, 2" Pad

    Semi-Inkless Pad Elimination Print Kit, 2" Pad


    Our Elimination Print Kits are designed to be used in the field to compare prints from employees or family members to unknown latent prints found at a crime scene. The compact size of the kits allows for easy portability. Each kit is provided w…

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