Ninhydrin Crystals
Multiple Options Available
For those agencies preferring to mix their own Ninhydrin, we offer three sizes of Ninhydrin Crystals. The ninhydrin method of revealing latent prints is extremely sensitive and provides distinct, contrasting prints. If you have not used this pr…
$28.25 - $359.00 -
Leuco Crystal Violet
Multiple Options Available
Leucocrystal Violet reacts with the heme-group in blood to give a violet color. Its application can be used to identify bloodstains that are not visible and to enhance and provide additional contrast to bloodstain patterns that are visible. This…
$42.11 - $56.49 -
Ninhydrin Spray - Regular and Extra-Strength
Multiple Options Available
Our quick drying Ninhydrin Spray is supplied in an easy-to-use pump misting bottle and is an extremely sensitive method for developing old latent prints on paper documents, letters, newspaper, envelopes, wrapping paper, checks, and even …
$16.22 - $30.24 -
Phenolphthalein Presumptive Blood Test
Multiple Options Available
Phenolphthalein is one of the most commonly used chemicals in the field and laboratory to indicate the presence of blood. Our pre-packaged kit contains all the reagents to conduct a presumptive blood test. This simple 4-step test is easy to use …
$35.91 - $58.85 -
Aluminum Fuming Trays
Accelerate the cyanoacrylate fuming process by using a hot plate and aluminum dish inside a fuming chamber. Quantity: 100/case
$12.60 -
Liquid Cyanoacrylate, 16 oz
TTF's Liquid Cyanoacrylate can be used in conjunction with our Hot Plate (HP-120) or with an existing heating source or cyanoacrylate fuming chamber to provide users with a fast and effective method of developing latent prints. Quantity: 1 Bott…
$57.91 -
Amido Black
Multiple Options Available
Looking for 1L Amido Black options? Click here >> Amido Black is useful for enhancing latent prints contaminated with blood, but it will not successfully develop a normal perspiration-based print. Although it will not detect the typical c…
$26.25 - $39.00 -
Hydro-Print Wet Latent Print Developer
Multiple Options Available
Hydro-Print (Small Paricle Reagent) is specifically formulated for developing latent prints found outdoors on wet or damp surfaces such as automobiles, glass windows, plastic, or even oxidized metal surfaces. Using Hydro-Print is simple: add...
$22.68 -
Liquid Cyanoacrylate, 1 oz Bottles, Case of 5
TTF's Liquid Cyanoacrylate can be used in conjunction with our Hot Plate (HP-120) or with an existing heating source or cyanoacrylate fuming chamber to provide users with a fast and effective method of developing latent prints. Quanti…
$38.59 -
Basic Yellow
Multiple Options Available
Basic Yellow 40 is a yellow dye used with a forensic light source or UV lamp after cyanoacrylate development of latent prints. Basic Yellow fluoresces well between 365 and 485 nanometers.
$26.72 - $35.02 -
Press & Fume Cyanoacrylate Latent Print Developer
This low-cost, disposable Press & Fume Cyanoacrylate Latent Print Developer is specifically designed for developing latent prints within five minutes, either in the laboratory or at a crime scene. The innovative design of the Press &…
$53.80 -
Ardrox Forensic Reagent
Multiple Options Available
Ardrox is a fluorescent liquid dye, which works well with lasers, forensic light sources and UV lamps. While Ardrox-developed prints fluoresce under 365nm, better results have been reported while examining evidence with light in the 450-480nm sp…
$30.50 - $45.78 -
Peel & Fume Cyanoacrylate Latent Print Fuming Pouches
Multiple Options Available
Our Peel & Fume Cyanoacrylate Latent Print Fuming Pouches are an easy-to-use, one-part fuming system. Each peel-open foil pouch contains cyanoacrylate in a gel form which will not leak or flow from the opened pouch. Using Peel & Fum…
$80.00 - $400.00 -
RAY Reagent, 500mL
RAY dye stain is a fluorescent mixture of Rhodamine, Ardrox, and Basic Yellow. Use RAY with a forensic light source after processing with cyanoacrylate. Particularly useful in the enhancement of CA developed prints on plastic bags. RAY enhanced …
$32.50 -
Luminol Reagent
Multiple Options Available
Designed to provide all essential materials required for the chemiluminescent Luminol method. Useful in the searching large areas for traces of blood. Each kit contains a spray bottle, measured amount of liquid reagent, pre-weighed vial of Lumin…
$24.20 - $57.12 -
Lumicyano Cyanoacrylate Latent Print Developer - Powders or Solutions
Multiple Options Available
Fuming and Fluorescent dye-staining in one single step Level 3 Ridge details DNA sampling compatible Operates in all fuming chambers Can be used directly at crime scene Lumicyano allows, with a one-stop process, the revelation of fingerpr…
$97.34 - $417.11 -
Ninhydrin Forensic Solution
Multiple Options Available
Ninhydrin is one of the easiest and most effective methods for developing latent prints on paper. Many latent print examiners use Ninhydrin exclusively on paper because of its effectiveness and/or their lack of proper setup for DFO. Ninhydrin sh…
$28.96 - $99.00 -
Ninhydrin Print Fixative, 8 oz
Our Ninhydrin Print Fixative is used to permanently “fix” prints which have been developed using Ninhydrin. Simply spray the fixative over the print and allow fixative to air-dry. In the event that stains from Ninhydrin need to be r…
$14.28 -
Multiple Options Available
An extremely sensitive amino acid reported to develop 46% more latents than DFO. The consistency and quality make this the best in the industry. 99% purity.
$68.00 - $68.25 -
Hot Plate, 120v
Accelerate the cyanoacrylate fuming process by using a hot plate and aluminum dish inside a fuming chamber. The Hot Plate features a large 3" diameter heating surface and has an easy on/off switch. Additional Aluminum Fuming Trays are…